Subsidised internships for Nexus members

The University of Leeds are introducing a new package to support student internships.

Businesses that are part of the Nexus community can apply by completing this form.

There is no deadline for applications. However, we encourage you to apply early as subsidies are limited.

Apply now

What support is available?

A subsidy of £1000 is available for SMEs and Third Sector organisations.

It can be used to part-fund the cost of an internship with a University of Leeds student. The internship can be full time or part time.

The full details of the subsidy:

  • The £1000 can be used to support an internship of 280 hours (8 weeks work at 35 hours per week)
  • Businesses will need to contribute £1917* towards intern’s salary

*The intern’s salary will be £2917 and is based on the current National Living Wage.

Is my organisation eligible to apply?

If your business has received this subsidy before, you won’t be able to apply again.

Your business must also have:

  • Public liability insurance
  • Employers’ liability insurance
  • A written health and safety policy
  • A company website and email address

You can apply, using this form.

If you have any questions, contact the Work Placements team on

Learn more at a networking event

The Work Placement team are hosting a networking event where you can learn more about the subsidy.

You can also discover more opportunities to work with students and graduates from the University of Leeds.

The event takes place at the Santander Work Café in Leeds, from 16:00 – 18:00 on 5 March.

Learn more about the event

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