Nexus meets… Key Engineering Solutions

In our Nexus Meets series, we chat to members of our community to learn more about them and who they’d like to work with.

A head and shoulder shot of David Keeling.

This time we spoke to David Keeling from Key Engineering Solutions.

Watch the video and read the transcript of our conversation below.

Alternatively, you can download the transcript here.



My name is David Keeling and I’m the Founder and Managing Director of Key Engineering Solutions. For my sins, I’m a former academic with a background in control and robotics.

What does Key Engineering Solutions do?

Key Engineering Solutions provides custom digital solutions for scientists and innovators, helping them make decisions.

So, generally, one of our systems comprises of hardware linked to software, which either measures and or controls a system. Once we’ve got that data, we try to make it more visible, create custom analytics for them.

It allows them to answer questions such as the how’s, the whys, the what’s, the where’s, so they can make evidence-based decisions.

How are you looking to develop your business?

We’re looking to develop our business by continuing to grow and scale up our solution size. But also looking to expand more into open innovation, particularly within MedTech and HealthTech, and to create new products, new services that we can then sell.

Who in our community are you looking to collaborate with?

We’d really like to collaborate with other scientists and innovators who are working within robotics or who might need some kind of measurement and control assistance.

Also, anyone who just like a cup of coffee really, just chat about ideas, try and come up with some nice clustered collaborations and put together some bids.


Get in touch with David on LinkedIn or online.


If you would like your business to be profiled as part of Nexus Meets, email us at

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