Nexus Meets… We Are Social Enterprise

In our Nexus Meets series, we chat to members of our community to learn more about them and who they’d like to work with.

James McBride headshot outside Nexus

This time we spoke to James McBride from We Are Social Enterprise.

Watch the video and read the transcript of our conversation below.

Alternatively, you can download the transcript here.

Watch the video

Tell us about yourself?

I’m James, the co-founder of We Are Social Enterprise Recruitment. I graduated from UCL in actuarial science, which is a biomedical science degree. After that, I dabbled in the world of startups for a little bit before meeting my co-founder, Lyndon, and we started the business in 2018.

What does We Are Social Enterprise do?

We Are Social Enterprise is a social enterprise recruitment business that operates in the UK construction markets. You can tell by the name, we’re a social enterprise as well. So our social focus is all around helping pods of each groups with all things employability. 

How are you looking to develop your business?

So, looking to develop the business, we are always looking to take on new clients within the construction engineering sectors. So that’s kind of our strategy, we work nationwide currently with quite large principal contractors, so we are looking to do more of the same. 

Who in our community are you looking to collaborate with?

Anyone that’s connected to construction firms would be great, but to be honest, it’s just like-minded individuals. We’re always interested to hear about different businesses, how they operate and that can be across any sector really. We’re always looking to connect with likeminded individuals. 

Check out more from our Nexus Meets series

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